Title: Along For The Ride
Author: Sarah Dessen
424 Pages
Rating 4/5
I really enjoyed this book however it took me a while to get into it properly. Once I was into it I thought it was a lovely book and I would definitely read one of Sarah Dessen's books again.
When Auden finally has enough of things at her Mother's house she packs up and moves to her Dad's for the summer. While at her Dad's she gradually becomes less of the studious bookworm she's always been and begins to get to know herself a little more. She also meets a mysterious boy that she can't help but want to get to know more about. Along For The Ride follows Auden and Eli as they spend their nights together, keeping each other company and getting to know each other, due to the fact neither of them sleep.
*SPOILERS* I found that the reason it took so long for me to get into it is because at the start it seems to be all to do with the baby and it got kind of boring after a while. I wouldn't have minded if it showed at some point in the story that this was essential but it didn't really. I did find that I was totally in love with Eli and fell more and more in love with him as we got to know him more. I thought the way Sarah Dessen brought the whole plot to life was beautiful and everything from her relationship with her Mother and Father to the way she is kind of socially awkward until she gets to her Dad's adds to the story and makes it a wonderful read. *END OF SPOILERS*
I would recommend this book as a summer read for people looking to try Sarah Dessen books. I've heard a lot about her and this is the first book I read by her and I really liked it.
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