Title: The Future of Us
Authors: Jay Asher and Carolyn Macker
356 Pages
Rating: 3/5
I saw this book in the library and I've got 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher at home ready to read so I thought I'd pick this one up and see what it's like. Mostly, I enjoyed however I didn't find that I wanted to read a lot in one go but I'm not quite sure why. The plot was really good and clever and I loved the idea of it but I couldn't help but feel it could've been better.
The Future of Us is set in 1996, when the internet was just begging to become popular and Facebook wouldn't be invented for another 8 years. When Josh gets an AOL CD-ROM in the post he takes it straight to his next-door neighbor/best friend's house to put on her new computer. Emma then creates an email account and gets taken to a website called 'Facebook' that asks for her email and password. She enters them both and finds her Facebook page from 15 years in the future. She and Josh can see what not only their own lives will turn out like, but also the lives of their Facebook friends.
*SPOILERS* I have to admit, you could see Josh and Emma ending up together a mile off. I would have liked to read more about them at the end though, maybe a little epilogue of what their future actually turns out like or something. I found a lot of this book predictable, like the fact that once Josh finally manages to win over Sydney, he doesn't want to be with her and the same with Emma and Cody. *END OF SPOILERS*
I would recommend this book if you're looking for something with quite a unique story line to it, however be prepared to know what's going to happen next all the way through it. I'm not sure if it was the dual-narrator of Jay Asher and Carolyn Macker that made me not that interested in it but there was just something about it I wasn't quite sure on. Overall however I did think it was a good book, I just wouldn't re-read it.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Macker
Carolyn Macker,
Jay Asher,
The Future Of Us,
Monday, 20 August 2012
Book Survey!
So I saw this on Kayley Hyde's blog from a while ago and really wanted to do it so here it is! :)
I don't feel guilty about reading. I feel like reading is my equivalent to my friends watching movies because I don't really watch many films. Also, I think that reading is better than watching TV because you're learning and experiencing new writing and being creative by imagining it in your head but very similar because it's all being told a story that someone has created for the purpose of entertainment.
To be honest, I used to read anything my Jacquline Wilson.
2. What are you reading right now?
2. What are you reading right now?
The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson and Insurgent by Veronica Roth
3. What books do you have on request at the library?
None at the moment.
4. Bad book habit?
Buying loads even though I already have loads to read...
5. What do you currently have checked out at the library?
I went to the library today actually and had to rush to leave so just grabbed one called The Future Of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler, partly because I liked the cover and partly because I've heard good things of Jay Asher's writing before.
6. Do you have an e-reader?
I don't but my Mum recently got an e-reader but doesn't use it all the time so I borrow it sometimes. I was surprised by how much I liked reading on there actually!
7. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?
I like to read one at a time because I find I focus on it more but if I'm not really enjoying a book I find I end up reading 3 or 4 at the same time. Also if I buy some books, often I can't wait to start one of them.
8. Have your reading habits changed since starting a blog?
I haven't had my blog for long so not really, however discovering the booktuber community on YouTube did! That and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green got be back into reading after a while of not reading much at all. I'd forgotten how much I loved books!
9. Least favorite book you read this year (so far?)
There's a few I've read and haven't been very impressed with at all. Off the top of my head, probably Abandon by Meg Cabot because nothing seemed to really happen in it other than her explaining her past and Theodore Boone by John Grisham but that's more because it's just not my kind of book.
10. Favorite book you’ve read this year?
I read The Fault in Our Stars by John Green not long ago and I think that will probably be my favourite book of all time but close behind that is Paper Towns also by John Green, Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, The Hunger Games (the full trilogy) by Suzanne Collins and Divergent by Veronica Roth.
11. How often do you read out of your comfort zone?
Not often but I don't think I've fully found my comfort zone just yet. I like to try and read different things and I know roughly what I enjoy but sometimes I'll pick a book up thinking I'll like it and I won't or even the other way round. I do quite often pick up book at the library that are a bit different to what I usually read just because that way I can see if I like them without having to spend money on them. :)
12. What is your reading comfort zone?
I guess I read mainly YA but I don't pick books out based on what genre they are. It's more if I like the sound of the book from the blurb and the reviews.
I don't often get the bus because where I live we use the train more because it's quite far from Cardiff which is the nearest city and the towns are all quite spaced out but I love to read on the train so I guess so. :)
14. Favorite place to read?
If I'm on the train on my own (which admittedly I rarely am), in the back garden on a sunny day (again, a rare occurrence in Wales), in my room, on the sofa or in bed before I go to sleep.
15. What is your policy on book lending?
I share books really often but only to about 3 people. I find that I read a book and then want someone to talk to about it so I'll either lend it to one of my friends or if I think it's really good I'll convince them to buy it. I also often try and get my friends that don't read much to read books I like by offering to lend them books or just making them borrow them. :')
16. Do you ever dog-ear books?
Never, I like books to look like new. I don't crack the spine on most books either. There are certain books that just look like they should be destroyed though so I will on them.
17. Do you ever write in the margins of your books?
Not really, I just never really think of it. Also, my obsession to keep books looking like new might make that a little difficult. :')
18. Not even with text books?
All our text books in our school belong to the school and we don't take them home or anything, so no.
19. What is your favorite language to read in?
English. I can't speak any other languages, as much as I'd like to be able to speak Welsh, German, French and Spanish.
20. What makes you love a book?
It depends but usually if it flows really well I'll enjoy it. I like books that you can just sit down and read until you've read most of it without it feeling like you've been reading for very long, like with The Fault In Our Stars by John Green or Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. Also, if the characters are amazing I fall in love with a book like with Paper Towns by John Green where I found Q, Radar and Ben to be a believable friendship group and found myself comparing them to people I know or Along For The Ride by Sarah Dessen where I completely fell in love with Eli.
21. What will inspire you to recommend a book?
If I finish it and feel like I want to talk to someone about it or immediately want to read it again I'll recommend it to my friends.
22. Favorite genre?
YA fiction I guess but I don't really think about it while I read.
23. Genre you rarely read (but wish you did?)
I wish I read more classic books but there's so many that I really want to read that I never seem to get around to it.
24. Favorite biography?
I don't really like biographies but I actually really liked Miley Cyrus' book when I read it a few years ago and I got both of the One Direction books this Christmas and had read them within about a day because they were really easy to read and I find it's nice to read the biographies of people who either have an interesting story to tell or are just getting started in their career and it's about how they got to where they are now.
25. Have you ever read a self-help book?
26. Favorite cookbook?
I don't really cook but a friend of mine got me a book called 1001 Cupcakes, Cookies and Other Tempting Treats for Christmas a few years ago and there's a few really cute and creative things to do with plain cookies and cupcakes so I quite like that. :)
27. Most inspirational book you’ve read this year (fiction or non-fiction)?
Probably The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. That's the only one that really made me think about things after I'd finished it.
28. Favorite reading snack?
I don't really eat while reading. I drink quite a lot of water though.
29. Name a case in which hype ruined your reading experience.
Most of the time I feel books sort of live up to the hype. It's the same with music, I feel like if things are 'mainstream' or whatever you want to call it there's a reason for that and it's a lot of people like it. I wasn't particularly keen on the first Darren Shan book that I read this year though despite the fact everyone seemed to love it.
30. How often do you agree with critics about a book?
I don't really read critics reviews or anything but I often agree with reviews I find on YouTube, Goodreads or on here.
31. How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews?
I feel like if I really don't like a book, especially if it's one most other people seem to like, I should give it a negative review, however I do try not to be mean to a book for no real reason. I try to just explain why I didn't enjoy the book while keeping in mind that someone spent a long time and a lot of effort writing what I'm criticising.
32. If you could read in a foreign language, which language would you choose?
It's not a foreign language technically but I wish I could speak and read in Welsh, purely because I feel like I should be able to speak the native language of the country I've always lived in but we all speak English here. I'd like to be able to read in French and Spanish as well but I don't have reasons for them, I just like the languages. :)
33. Most intimidating book you’ve ever read?
I don't really read intimidating books because I know I won't finish them.
34. Most intimidating book you’re too nervous to begin?
There isn't really one. :')
35. Favorite Poet?
I know it's bad but I don't really read poetry. I don't even know why because I'm a massive fan of song lyrics but I guess I just haven't read any.
36. How many books do you usually have checked out of the library at any given time?
Usually about 3. Not too many that I can't read books I own but a few.
37. How often have you returned a book to the library unread?
I have returned them quite a few times where I've read the first few chapters and found I didn't really like it. I'm about to do the same with a book when I take this lot back.
38. Favorite fictional character?
After recently reading Paper Towns I think Margo Roth Spiegelman is absolutely amazing and I found myself wanting to be her but also, when I was reading the Harry Potter books for the first time when I was quite young I remember having a bit of a weird love for Fred Weasley...not George, just Fred...yeah I don't know about that one. :L I really liked Gus from The Fault In Our Stars by John Green too, purely because I felt like he brought out the best in Hazel and I found their friendship, as well as their relationship, inspiring.
39. Favorite fictional villain?
Probably Voldemort.
40. Books you’re most likely to bring on vacation?
Anything on my to-read list but I do find when I'm in another country I tend to like romance books or books that are set in a country or city that is a big tourist location a little more when I'm at home. I'm not quite sure why.
41. The longest you’ve gone without reading.
I didn't really get into reading a lot until earlier this year so I've gone months before.
42. Name a book that you could/would not finish.
There's a book I bought whilst in Primary school called Mariah Mundi: The Midas Box by G. P. Taylor and there's just something about it that I can't read it. I find the way it's written to be really difficult to read, especially seeing as though it's meant for late Primary school readers and it's also a little scary. I've started it about 4 times and never got past about chapter 10.
43. What distracts you easily when you’re reading?
If I've been listening to a song that's stuck in my head I find I can't fully concentrate on the book.
44. Favorite film adaptation of a novel?
I think the only films that are adaptations of novels that I've not had any criticism of at all are the Harry Potters. The books and the films were equally as amazing and when I am 80 I will be reading and watching them still.
45. Most disappointing film adaptation?
I can't really think of any. To be honest, I don't think I read many books that get adapted into films. I wasn't a massive fan of The Hunger Games movie though, controversial I know.
46. The most money I’ve ever spent in the bookstore at one time?
If I'm buying the books I don't think I've ever bought more than 6 at one time and I mostly buy them online on amazon so probably about £30 ish. I usually buy 3 at a time which ends up at about £15.
47. How often do you skim a book before reading it?
Never, I read the blur and although I know I probably shouldn't, kind of judge by the cover if it's meant for people like me and if I'll like it. If I'm not buying a book I already knew I wanted I tend to stick to authors I know I like though. Otherwise I could buy loads.
48. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through?
I hate it when the writing style of a book makes it seem like a chore to read it.
49. Do you like to keep your books organized?
I reorganize my bookshelves all the time. Mostly I tend to put the ones from when I was younger that I can't throw away at the bottom and then as it gets the top it's what I like the most and then I have a to-read shelf and a separate shelf that has the Harry Potter books, movies and things I bought from the studio tour. Certain shelves like the one with my favourite and my tbr shelf are organised alphabetically by author too, because I get really bored. :')
50. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?
I keep my books. I aim to one day have enough books I could have a house with a room dedicated to books that had walls full of them and had a sliding ladder. I love lending them though and if I don't want to keep it for whatever reason I'd give them to a charity shop, so it's helping charity and someone else can enjoy it just as much as I did. :)
51. Are there any books you’ve been avoiding?
Not on purpose. There are quite a few books I've wanted to read for a while but just either haven't got round to it or haven't got round to buying them yet but it's not on purpose. Just lack of time and money.
52. Name a book that made you angry.
Abandon by Meg Cabot annoyed me. I don't usually get annoyed by books but it just seemed like such a bad book and I've never read one of her books before, despite the fact I've heard a lot about them and absolutely loved The Princess Diaries films. I just felt like nothing really happened and what did happen you could see coming a mile off. I think books that aren't unique or interesting at all annoy me because that's what I found with that.
53. A book you didn’t expect to like but did?
We read Noughts And Crosses in year 9 English in school and I didn't think I would like it because most books we read in school I don't like and I ended up loving it so much that as soon as we finished reading it, I went and bought the other 3 in the series online and read them all that summer. It's not the type of thing I usually go for but I really really loved them.
54. A book that you expected to like but didn’t?
The Chronicles of Narnia books. I got given the series as a Christmas present when I was about 7 and although I don't remember not liking them, I have never read the full box set. I think I've read the first 2 out of the 8. I do plan to read them someday though, even if I may be too old for them now.
55. Favorite guilt-free, pleasure reading?
My Harry Potter Books |
Harry Potter,
Jacquline Wilson,
Jennifer E. Smith,
John Green,
John Grisham,
Lucy Tregidon,
The Fault In Our Stars,
Veronica Roth
Sunday, 19 August 2012
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith
Title: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
215 Pages
Rating: 5/5
I loved this book. I'd heard a lot about it and it seemed that people either loved it or hated it so I thought I'd give it a go. I read it in about 2 days and the only reason I didn't read it quicker is because I was doing other things. It seems like the kind of book that could quite easily be read in one sitting. It was just generally lovely and the whole idea that that could actually happen to someone is so sweet.
Hadley's in the airport on the way to her Dad's wedding and it seems as though everything is going to go wrong. She missed her flight by four minutes and her Dad is marrying a girl she's never met before in only a few hours. It seems as though things are just going to keep getting worse until she meets Oliver, a cute, British guy who just so happens to be on her new flight. The novel is set over 24 hours and follows Hadley as she falls for Oliver and navigates her way through the wedding she is expecting to be hell.
*SPOILERS* Okay, so one of my favourite things about this book was the little things that Hadley and Oliver share that makes them fall for each other so quickly. Like I love the fact she tells him about her claustrophobia as soon as they meet and they're totally not afraid to be themselves with each other. I have to say though, I think my favourite thing was the fact he won't tell her what he's studying. I love on the last few pages where they're talking and she asks again what he's studying and he replies with 'the statistical probability of love at first sight'. I thought it was a really lovely way for the title of the book to link in and although I know that was probably why it was called that, it made me think that there couldn't have been a better title for the book. *END OF SPOILERS*
Books like this and Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins are starting to make me fall in love with romance type books. I thought it was an adorable book and would 100% recommend it, especially as a summer read. It would be perfect to read in an airport or on a flight and it's only small so would be easy to carry around too. I think infact reading it in an airport would probably add to the atmosphere of the book so if you're looking for a holiday book, look no further.
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
215 Pages
Rating: 5/5
I loved this book. I'd heard a lot about it and it seemed that people either loved it or hated it so I thought I'd give it a go. I read it in about 2 days and the only reason I didn't read it quicker is because I was doing other things. It seems like the kind of book that could quite easily be read in one sitting. It was just generally lovely and the whole idea that that could actually happen to someone is so sweet.
Hadley's in the airport on the way to her Dad's wedding and it seems as though everything is going to go wrong. She missed her flight by four minutes and her Dad is marrying a girl she's never met before in only a few hours. It seems as though things are just going to keep getting worse until she meets Oliver, a cute, British guy who just so happens to be on her new flight. The novel is set over 24 hours and follows Hadley as she falls for Oliver and navigates her way through the wedding she is expecting to be hell.
*SPOILERS* Okay, so one of my favourite things about this book was the little things that Hadley and Oliver share that makes them fall for each other so quickly. Like I love the fact she tells him about her claustrophobia as soon as they meet and they're totally not afraid to be themselves with each other. I have to say though, I think my favourite thing was the fact he won't tell her what he's studying. I love on the last few pages where they're talking and she asks again what he's studying and he replies with 'the statistical probability of love at first sight'. I thought it was a really lovely way for the title of the book to link in and although I know that was probably why it was called that, it made me think that there couldn't have been a better title for the book. *END OF SPOILERS*
Books like this and Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins are starting to make me fall in love with romance type books. I thought it was an adorable book and would 100% recommend it, especially as a summer read. It would be perfect to read in an airport or on a flight and it's only small so would be easy to carry around too. I think infact reading it in an airport would probably add to the atmosphere of the book so if you're looking for a holiday book, look no further.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Something About Your Smile (A song by me)
This is one of the few songs I've written that doesn't really have a meaning behind it. I mean other than the obvious, there's nothing hidden in there, no one who inspired it, I just sat down with my guitar and the song seemed to just happen without me thinking about anyone or anything. I guess that's why I quite like it and I like to play it. Unlike my other songs, it's quite upbeat and happy which is part of the reason I wanted to do a ukulele version of it, to show that it's not just sad songs I can write and I can write upbeat ones too.
Like I said before, I'd be really grateful if you could let me know what you think of it. If I don't have any constructive feedback on my music I won't know what needs to be improved and what should stay as it is.
Lucy :)
Theodore Boone by John Grisham
Title: Theodore Boone
Author: John Grisham
263 Pages
Rating: 3/5
I picked this book up at the library, more because I couldn't really find anything else I wanted to read and I thought I may as well give a different kind of book a go but I didn't really enjoy it. It was well written but wasn't particularly gripping and I didn't feel like I wanted to read it all the time like I usually feel with books.
Theodore Boone comes from a family where both of his parents are lawyers, and he plans to follow in their footsteps. At only 13, Theodore already has his future planned out, although he often changes his mind about whether to be a judge or a lawyer. The novel follows Theo as he finds himself in the middle of the biggest murder trial his town has seen for decades with a vital piece of evidence that could be the difference between someone getting convicted and someone walking free.
*SPOILERS* I found the fact that Theo's friends go to him for legal advice and the fact he knows the solution to anything they ask him ever so slightly unrealistic. I understand that this is his character and it doesn't necessarily need to be believable because at the end of the day it is a work of fiction but I felt that the rest of the novel was written in a naturalistic way, other than this aspect of his character. *END OF SPOILERS*
Overall I thought the book was well written although I probably wouldn't recommend it to someone who enjoys similar books to me. I almost feel like it was a waste of time me reading it when I could've been reading something else. The only real reason I gave it a 3/5 is because the writing style was good.
Author: John Grisham
263 Pages
Rating: 3/5
I picked this book up at the library, more because I couldn't really find anything else I wanted to read and I thought I may as well give a different kind of book a go but I didn't really enjoy it. It was well written but wasn't particularly gripping and I didn't feel like I wanted to read it all the time like I usually feel with books.
Theodore Boone comes from a family where both of his parents are lawyers, and he plans to follow in their footsteps. At only 13, Theodore already has his future planned out, although he often changes his mind about whether to be a judge or a lawyer. The novel follows Theo as he finds himself in the middle of the biggest murder trial his town has seen for decades with a vital piece of evidence that could be the difference between someone getting convicted and someone walking free.
*SPOILERS* I found the fact that Theo's friends go to him for legal advice and the fact he knows the solution to anything they ask him ever so slightly unrealistic. I understand that this is his character and it doesn't necessarily need to be believable because at the end of the day it is a work of fiction but I felt that the rest of the novel was written in a naturalistic way, other than this aspect of his character. *END OF SPOILERS*
Overall I thought the book was well written although I probably wouldn't recommend it to someone who enjoys similar books to me. I almost feel like it was a waste of time me reading it when I could've been reading something else. The only real reason I gave it a 3/5 is because the writing style was good.
John Grisham,
Theodore Boone,
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift
Song: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
Artist: Taylor Swift
Album: Red
It surprised me on twitter how many people didn't like it or said that it 'isn't really Taylor' and 'isn't country enough' but the way I see it is she's growing as an artists and us, as her fans, should let her do that. I'm sure there will be loads of songs on the album that are more country and more like her old stuff but I like the fact that she isn't afraid to branch out and try something new. She isn't getting rid of her old sound, just developing it so her fan base grows even more. I think she's the perfect balance between country and pop and I think to be honest, she could sing anything and I'd still find it amazing purely because she's got such a good way of writing her songs in such a way that you can't help but listen to them on an endless repeat.
In my opinion it's an amazing song and I can't wait to hear the rest of the songs on her album Red that comes out on 22nd October 2012.
This is my cover of the song. If you could let me know what you think of it I'd be really grateful :)
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Along For The Ride by Sarah Dessen
Title: Along For The Ride
Author: Sarah Dessen
424 Pages
Rating 4/5
I really enjoyed this book however it took me a while to get into it properly. Once I was into it I thought it was a lovely book and I would definitely read one of Sarah Dessen's books again.
When Auden finally has enough of things at her Mother's house she packs up and moves to her Dad's for the summer. While at her Dad's she gradually becomes less of the studious bookworm she's always been and begins to get to know herself a little more. She also meets a mysterious boy that she can't help but want to get to know more about. Along For The Ride follows Auden and Eli as they spend their nights together, keeping each other company and getting to know each other, due to the fact neither of them sleep.
*SPOILERS* I found that the reason it took so long for me to get into it is because at the start it seems to be all to do with the baby and it got kind of boring after a while. I wouldn't have minded if it showed at some point in the story that this was essential but it didn't really. I did find that I was totally in love with Eli and fell more and more in love with him as we got to know him more. I thought the way Sarah Dessen brought the whole plot to life was beautiful and everything from her relationship with her Mother and Father to the way she is kind of socially awkward until she gets to her Dad's adds to the story and makes it a wonderful read. *END OF SPOILERS*
I would recommend this book as a summer read for people looking to try Sarah Dessen books. I've heard a lot about her and this is the first book I read by her and I really liked it.
Author: Sarah Dessen
424 Pages
Rating 4/5
I really enjoyed this book however it took me a while to get into it properly. Once I was into it I thought it was a lovely book and I would definitely read one of Sarah Dessen's books again.
When Auden finally has enough of things at her Mother's house she packs up and moves to her Dad's for the summer. While at her Dad's she gradually becomes less of the studious bookworm she's always been and begins to get to know herself a little more. She also meets a mysterious boy that she can't help but want to get to know more about. Along For The Ride follows Auden and Eli as they spend their nights together, keeping each other company and getting to know each other, due to the fact neither of them sleep.
*SPOILERS* I found that the reason it took so long for me to get into it is because at the start it seems to be all to do with the baby and it got kind of boring after a while. I wouldn't have minded if it showed at some point in the story that this was essential but it didn't really. I did find that I was totally in love with Eli and fell more and more in love with him as we got to know him more. I thought the way Sarah Dessen brought the whole plot to life was beautiful and everything from her relationship with her Mother and Father to the way she is kind of socially awkward until she gets to her Dad's adds to the story and makes it a wonderful read. *END OF SPOILERS*
I would recommend this book as a summer read for people looking to try Sarah Dessen books. I've heard a lot about her and this is the first book I read by her and I really liked it.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Title: Anna and the French Kiss
Author: Stephanie Perkins
372 Pages
Rating: 5/5
I thought this book was absolutely adorable. I read it while I was on holiday and I think that added to it but I think it's a perfect summer read.
Anna is a high school student who is perfectly happy with her life in Atlanta. She has the perfect best friend and a crush on a guy who seems to like her back. Everything seems to be going well until her father decides to send her to boarding school in Paris, despite the fact she can't speak a word of French. The book follows Anna on her adventures in Paris and all the friends she makes along the way, including Etienne St. Clair, a gorgeous boy with an English accent. The books follows the development in the relationship between St Clair and Anna but will it all end the way she hopes?
*SPOILERS* I loved the whole relationship between Anna and St Clair and I found myself wanting them to get together before either of them even showed an interest in each other. From the moment Anna met him walking out of Meredith's room on the first day I found myself wanting them to tell each other how they felt. I have to say, one of my favourite moments in the book is when they are on the plane on the way home for Christmas and St. Clair asks the person next to Anna to move because he wants to sit next to his 'pregnant girlfriend.' I found myself actually laughing out loud at certain bits like that. *END OF SPOILERS*
This book is a fantastic read for anyone that likes a bit of Chick Lit every now and then. I don't usually like really girly books so wasn't sure if I would like it or not but I loved it. I read it in about a day and didn't want to ever put it down. Definitely one of my favourite books this year and I will definitely be buying Lola and the Boy Next Door next time I buy books.
Author: Stephanie Perkins
372 Pages
Rating: 5/5
I thought this book was absolutely adorable. I read it while I was on holiday and I think that added to it but I think it's a perfect summer read.
Anna is a high school student who is perfectly happy with her life in Atlanta. She has the perfect best friend and a crush on a guy who seems to like her back. Everything seems to be going well until her father decides to send her to boarding school in Paris, despite the fact she can't speak a word of French. The book follows Anna on her adventures in Paris and all the friends she makes along the way, including Etienne St. Clair, a gorgeous boy with an English accent. The books follows the development in the relationship between St Clair and Anna but will it all end the way she hopes?
*SPOILERS* I loved the whole relationship between Anna and St Clair and I found myself wanting them to get together before either of them even showed an interest in each other. From the moment Anna met him walking out of Meredith's room on the first day I found myself wanting them to tell each other how they felt. I have to say, one of my favourite moments in the book is when they are on the plane on the way home for Christmas and St. Clair asks the person next to Anna to move because he wants to sit next to his 'pregnant girlfriend.' I found myself actually laughing out loud at certain bits like that. *END OF SPOILERS*
This book is a fantastic read for anyone that likes a bit of Chick Lit every now and then. I don't usually like really girly books so wasn't sure if I would like it or not but I loved it. I read it in about a day and didn't want to ever put it down. Definitely one of my favourite books this year and I will definitely be buying Lola and the Boy Next Door next time I buy books.
Paper Towns by John Green
Title: Paper Towns
Author: John Green
305 Pages
Rating: 5/5
As with every other John Green book I've read, I absolutely loved Paper Towns. If I hadn't read The Fault In Our Stars, I would probably say this is my favourite book. The whole search with the hidden clues only available to Quentin and his friends was a fantastic plot and the way it was written made it even better.
Paper Towns is the story of Quentin Jacobsen who has spent his life loving Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. One night she jumps through his window and takes him on a whirlwind campaign of revenge to their classmates. The morning after this all night adventure, Q finds that Margo is absent from school and begins to worry. Q and his friends quickly discover that Margo has left a trail of clues leading to where she is, but can they find her in time?
*SPOILERS* I found that through the entire search for Margo I couldn't put the book down. I loved the fact that each clue lead so specifically to the next and the way John Green thought it all is amazing. I liked the fact Q didn't just decode the clues as soon as he saw them because I found that it made it that little bit more believable. I also like the ending and the fact that it wasn't just that they found Margo, she went back with them straight away and they all lived happily ever after. I did find myself thinking through the whole book that they were going to find out that she had died and I think that's because of other John Green books I've read and I'm glad it didn't follow the same path as others. *END OF SPOILERS*
Overall I would definitely recommend this book, I thought it was fantastic. The characters were not only believable, but also the kind of people I would want to be friends with and I found a lot of them quite funny at times to. I think Margo in the beginning may be one of my favourite characters I have come across yet. This is yet another amazing John Green book.
Author: John Green
305 Pages
Rating: 5/5
As with every other John Green book I've read, I absolutely loved Paper Towns. If I hadn't read The Fault In Our Stars, I would probably say this is my favourite book. The whole search with the hidden clues only available to Quentin and his friends was a fantastic plot and the way it was written made it even better.
Paper Towns is the story of Quentin Jacobsen who has spent his life loving Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. One night she jumps through his window and takes him on a whirlwind campaign of revenge to their classmates. The morning after this all night adventure, Q finds that Margo is absent from school and begins to worry. Q and his friends quickly discover that Margo has left a trail of clues leading to where she is, but can they find her in time?
*SPOILERS* I found that through the entire search for Margo I couldn't put the book down. I loved the fact that each clue lead so specifically to the next and the way John Green thought it all is amazing. I liked the fact Q didn't just decode the clues as soon as he saw them because I found that it made it that little bit more believable. I also like the ending and the fact that it wasn't just that they found Margo, she went back with them straight away and they all lived happily ever after. I did find myself thinking through the whole book that they were going to find out that she had died and I think that's because of other John Green books I've read and I'm glad it didn't follow the same path as others. *END OF SPOILERS*
Overall I would definitely recommend this book, I thought it was fantastic. The characters were not only believable, but also the kind of people I would want to be friends with and I found a lot of them quite funny at times to. I think Margo in the beginning may be one of my favourite characters I have come across yet. This is yet another amazing John Green book.
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Title: Divergent
Author: Veronica Roth
Rating: 5/5
As soon as I read the first page in this book I was hooked. It's one of the few books I would quite easily say are my favourites, along side the likes of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and the Harry Potter Series (lets be honest, who doesn't love Harry Potter?). I found the plot completely believable, despite the fact it shouldn't be because it's such a different world to the one we know.
Divergent is the tale of a world in which it's inhabitants are separated into 5 categories called Factions; Dauntless, Abnegation, Erudite, Candor and Amity. Each Faction stands for something. Dauntless-Bravery, Abnegation-Selflessness, Erudite-Intelligence, Candor-Honesty and Amity-Kindness. Divergent follows the story of Tris and the decision she has to make that will place her in the faction she will belong to for the rest of her life. Does she stay with her family in Abnegation or does she choose to move to one of the other factions where she feels she belongs more, despite the fact she will possibly never see her family again?
*SPOILERS* I definitely thought one of the things I loved about this book is that not only is it packed full of action, but the relationship between Tris and Four is absolutely adorable. From the point where she seems to notice him more I found myself wanting them to end up together. I also like the fact that the book is based in Dauntless, the Faction most of the other facts believe to be the most deadly, if that's the right word to use. I liked that although Dauntless stands for bravery, like Gryffindor in Harry Potter, the side of bravery shown through the novel is a lot more dark than in Harry Potter. I also liked the fact that her brother moved Factions, I felt that it really added a surprise to the book, even though it wasn't part of the main story-line. *END OF SPOILERS*
I definitely would recommend this book to pretty much everyone. I gave it to my Mum when I was done with it and she enjoyed it to so it doesn't seem to be something that's age specific. If you liked The Hunger Games, you'll LOVE this. I will definitely be reading Insurgent as soon as I can get my hands on it. I thought it was written in a way that flowed really well and I found I read it in about a day because I just couldn't put it down. Divergent seemed to me like The Hunger Games with a touch of Harry Potter because of their loyalties to their houses/factions. A fantastic read.
Monday, 6 August 2012
Abandon by Meg Cabot
Title: Abandon
Author: Meg Cabot
Rating: 1/5
I've never read one of Meg Cabot's books but I've heard a lot about them. I know she wrote The Princess Diaries and I love the films that were made from those books and people seem to think good things of her writing so when I went to the library looking for a book to read and saw Abandon, I figured I may as well read it.
Abandon is the story of a girl names Pierce who dies, but comes back to life. The novel takes place a year after her death and describes how she managed to escape death and the consequences that came from it. She is now a different person to the one she was before she died and ends up moving with her Mother back to the Island where her Mother grew up due to her bad behavior leading to her being kicked out of her school. When Pierce died, it was John who allowed her to return to the world as she knows it and the book also follows the relationship between Pierce and John and how he causes trouble for her by trying to save her on more than one occasion.
Overall I have to say I was really disappointed in it. I found that I had to persuade myself to keep reading quite a few times throughout the book and if it was any longer I don't think I would've finished it. I found that nothing really happened and it seemed to all be the back story, leading up to the events that I assumed would come at the end of the book, but it seemed to just end without much actually happening. It was all her thinking over the events of the last year or so of her life that lead to her being where she is now but then as soon as it began to come into the present a lot, the book ended.
*SPOILERS* I found that the whole relationship with Pierce and John was really difficult to understand. One minute she hated him and the next she loved him but there was no real definition between when she hated him and when she loved him, it just depended on the mood she was in at the time. If there had been a reason for her constantly changing her mind about him (other than the fact she thinks he's bad for her) I wouldn't have minded so much. Also, the bit with her best friend Hannah committing suicide seemed to have been thrown in out of the blue. Hannah was not mentioned before then so it was difficult to believe that she was really her best friend before 'the accident'. One thing that really annoyed me was how at the beginning of the book, she keeps talking about the 'accident' but doesn't tell you what happened for about 4 chapters. I found this frustrating and although it is meant to keep the reader in suspense, I just found it annoying. *END OF SPOILERS*
I would probably read one of Meg Cabot's books again but only because I have heard good things about her, based entirely on this book alone I wouldn't. I won't be reading the next one in the trilogy because I didn't find the plot all that captivating, even though I think it could have been. I wouldn't recommend this book, especially if, like me, it would be the first Meg Cabot book that you have read.
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