Title: Let It Snow
Author(s): John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle
352 Pages.
Rating: 5/5
As a massive fan of John Green's books, this was the very last book that he's been involved with that I had to read. I have to say, it was worth the wait. For me, this was the perfect Christmas book and I loved each story as individual stories but the 3 fit together in such a perfect and beautiful way, it would have been difficult to not fall in love with it. I've never read anything by the other 2 authors and after reading it, I will definitely be reading more of their work!
The book is split into 3 different stories that all link in with each other in subtle ways. The first, by Maureen Johnson, follows Jubilee as her train gets stuck and she has to spend Christmas in a town she's never been to with a family that she's never met before.The second, by John Green, follows Tobin, the Duke and JP as they ditch their James Bond marathon on the evening of Christmas eve in the quest for cheerleaders. The third and final story, by Lauren Myracle, follows Addie as she learns that not everything is about herself and that sometimes it's important to put other people before yourself, even though you may not want to.
*SPOILERS* The first story was truly one of the most adorable 'fall in love with a stranger' stories I've ever read. I found it really endearing and I just couldn't put the book down at all. John Green's story was also an adorable and sweet story and very much the kind of romance I personally found the most realistic and the one that left me literally thinking 'awhh' after reading it. It was such a simple idea yet utterly adorable at the same time. The third story was my least favourite, however I liked the meaning behind it and I also loved the final chapter and the way that all 3 stories came together in the end so I felt it made up for it. *END OF SPOILERS*
I definitely recommend this book and I just wish we had snow here as it'd be a perfect book to read while its snowing. This book confirmed my love with all of John Green's writing and also made me develop a love for Maureen Johnson's writing too. If you're looking for a quick read at Christmas time, read this!
Merry Christmas! :)
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