Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Perfect Alibi - My Latest Musical Creation

Hello lovely people of the blogosphere,

If you don't follow me on any of my social media sites you probably haven't seen the latest YouTube video I uploaded, or you might not even know that I post YouTube videos at all! It's my latest song called Perfect Alibi and you can watch it here if you're interested.

If you liked it and want to be super lovely, you can also buy it on bandcamp by clicking here. I'd also really appreciate it if you could possibly subscribe to my YouTube channel/follow me on twitter/all the other social media links that can be found in the 'A Bit About Me' page on here (warning, there's quite a lot of them!). I'd also really love it if you could leave me a little comment somewhere on the internet letting me know what you think of my music and how you found it!

Thank you for being wonderful and reading all of this, sorry to ask you to do so much but it really does help more than I can say.

Lucy x