Saturday, 11 January 2014


I know this is a little late but it's something that is important to me so I still wanted to post it. 2013 was quite possibly my best year so far. I did my first 'big' exams that actually count and got good grades, I met some musicians that really inspired me, I started a new school where I found people that make me so happy and my music 'career' seems to be growing by the second.

One of the main things that started happening toward the end of the year was that my music 'career' started growing. The reason I add the quotation marks is because I've still not really got my head around the fact that there are people in the world who are paying to hear me play my music to them, it's absolutely mind blowing. My online audience is growing too as I hit 50 subscribers on YouTube at the beginning of 2013 and then hit 100 at the beginning of November. I also set up a Facebook page for my music and if everything goes to plan, 2014 will bring with it a website to go alongside this Facebook page, both of which serve the purpose of getting my music heard by as many people as possible, so please head over and like my page to help me out! It seems as though every time I play live I get another 3 offers for more opportunities so I am so excited to see what 2014 will bring for me in terms of music!

A massive life change that happened for me in 2013 was leaving the school I've been at for the last 5 years in order to start sixth form in a new one. I won't say too much about it because I've written a full post that you can read here but I felt it was important to mention because I can already tell that the next 2 years at this school will be far better than anything I've known. I've gone from completely dreading going to school to actually looking forward to it. Although A Levels are REALLY hard work, I'm surrounded by incredible, talented and lovely people who make it worth while.

The summer of 2013 for me was amazing. I had about 12 weeks off school due to finishing my GCSE exams fairly early and the majority of that time was spent with friends. I am incredibly lucky in that I live within walking distance of a beach (even if it is a long walk!). My friends and I took full advantage of this and for about 2/3 weeks it is not an exaggeration to say we were there constantly. We would meet around 10/11am and wouldn't get home until about 9.30pm and would then do it all again the next day. The people I did this with were friends that I'd made in school but had never really been that close to so it was really lovely to get the opportunity to really get to know them and properly spend time with them before we all went our separate ways. I also got the chance to spend a lot of time with my cousins who came over to the UK from New Zealand for 6 weeks which was really lovely.

All in all, 2013 was a really incredible year for me, so much so that I was a little sad to say goodbye to it. Let's just hope 2014 matches it! Thank you for sticking with me through 2013! If you want to, share some of your favourite memories from 2013 in the comments below!

Lucy x

I don't normally post links at the end of a post but here are a few links to blog posts I've written over the last 12 months that have documented my year. Just click on one to take you to the page, I hope you enjoy reading them!

Other things that I've written/created about time passing:
Dear Future Me (blog post)
Remember Me (song with video)

Memorable moments of the year that I documented:
Summer in the City Warm-Up Tour (Cardiff)
Upload Tour 2
100 Subscribers
50 Subscribers
A Trip To London With My Best Friend
My Last Day of Secondary School
Starting Sixth Form/College